Dan Tombs

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Atlassian ICYMI August 2024

Welcome to the next instalment in our ICYMI series. I am fully aware that this is much later than I normally post for the end of month ICYMI, but unfortunately work life is a little busy as we head into our surprise Atlassian event, Team ‘24 Europe happening in Barcelona in a little over a month.

In this series we take a look back over the last month for Atlassian products. This blog is not going to be a complete catch up of everything I or someone in the community has noticed over the last month, but more on the larger release items or the new EAP & other important announcements from Atlassian.

With so many updates, we’ll go ahead and take a look over each of the following four tracks:

  • Agile & DevOps.

  • Work Management & Collaboration.

  • Service Management.

  • Platform.

So without further or do, let’s get started!

In Case You Missed It

August is definitely a quiet month for so many industries and companies. I personally have been using the quiet time to do a little bit of a refresher for the new functionality coming out, and catching up on exam prep. All tools are still getting some focus but as normal, it is a little slower.

Before we jump into the updates for the products. Of course we have to talk about the Team ‘24 Europe event in Barcelona in October. I wont go into it loads here, just know

So without further or do, lets get into the updates.

Agile & DevOps

Jira is a beast, but this also means for a lot of sites, it doesn’t take long for these systems to get full of configuration that is unused or out of date. There have been an incredibly number of posts around good admin of the tool, but Atlassian have recently released some additional funcitonality within their site optimiser tool. The site optimiser now allows you to clear out old project roles, projects, on top of the already able custom fields. To check out more click HERE.

The field validator workflow rule has been updated. This most recent change not only includes this for team managed projects but also has updated how this exactly works for company managed. Underneath the new rule within workflows. You’ll be able to validate for field values against the following requirements:

  • Date Compare

  • Date Window

  • Field Required

  • Field has been modified

  • Field has single value

  • Regular Expression Check

Work Management & Collaboration

Confluence automation is yet again in the spotlight. While live pages have slowly been making their way out, we have seen some concerns from users where functionality was not available on a live pages. Avi from Atlassian wrote this community blog showing how we now have our Confluence automation options back for live pages. If you are using live pages, what do you think of them? One final one for the Confluence automation engine. Again from Avi on the Atlassian community. Rules now have access to additional action & trigger in the form of the new Confluence page folders. A few months ago, we discussed how the Confluence product team were launching the ability to use Confluence folders in replacement for ‘parent’ styled folder pages. As a way of helping keep work organised but not create additional pages where it is not necessary. Well automations are now able to trigger when a folder is created or create folders based off other other events. You can check out the full community post here.

Due to the updates from Microsoft, any automation rules that reference Microsoft teams need to have their URLs updated to the new style. While this seems simple, please don’t forget!

Space creation is becoming simplified within Confluence. As of the new change, you’ll be able to select from two space types (knowledge & collaboration) or the use of a custom setting in the hopes it speeds up productivity. To read about these changes in more detail, check out the Community post.

Confluence keys have always been stuck on creation. Unlike Jira keys, if you make a mistake or team name changes etc. with Confluence you have never been able to update them. This is all about to change. Atlassian are introduction the abulity for space admins to go in and update the key for example, during acquisitions, organization restructuring, or if the department, username, or team name changes. They have stated that the old key will redirect to the new URL. so no need to worry about externally shared URLs.

Service Management

Coming soon, you’ll be able to better restrict your internal notes on JSM tickets to be based on either groups or even project roles. These private discussions could be very simple, in the form of some additional context but not for all or to full restriction where it could involve HR or legal for example. This additional security enables users to keep context & data all in one spot without having to switch to another tool to keep things private.


While there is nothing of significant to note around major platform changes, I did happen to spot this little gem hidden on the AIntelligence page:

Would you like to activate Atlassian Intelligence by space or project?
We are working on the ability to activate by space or project. I'd like to request this feature if it becomes available and be contacted.

Definitely an interesting element for security & governance.

While there is no major public announcment changes publically yet, I have been enjoying doing some internal testing. I really cannot wait to share more with you as we continue to see use cases & functionality grow. But for now, enjoy the below clip.

As mentioned, due to the holidays, this was a nice short and sweet update but still, which one of the latest updates is your favourite? Until the next time.