Team 23 Day 1 and pre event activities

We are now in Vegas! The event has just kicked off and we are at the end of day one. So what has happened so far.

Pre Team events

Just because Team has not officially started, does not mean events haven’t. Over the weekend I was able to catch up with many old colleagues at Clearvision (now Eficode) as they all flew in from the UK.

Dinner With Eficode

Away from these private dinners,

//SeibertMedia threw the official pre-event party. Man was it fun. Located at Area15, Guests were able to network and drink ahead of day 1 in preparation for a busy week. It was great to again see those community leaders from around the world to get together to discuss all things Atlassian.

Okay Okay. Away from the events. What happened on day one of Team ‘23?

Day one is actually more of a partner and community leader day as well as running training and exams at the event. Since I am not a partner and am currently working on becoming a community leader so while I could not get into any talks today, I certainly made sure to fill the day up with expo walking and meetings with vendors.

As I walked around the Expo hall the atmosphere was great. You could almost taste the excitement from anyone remotely interested in Atlassian. First impressions of the hall? Much bigger then last year. The event seemed to have a lot more vendors here this year. There has been a lot of change at a lot of vendors, so more vendors attending means more for us to explore and more challenges to potentially resolve.

Big conversations with vendors:


Elements showcased their latest ideas and features with Elements publish & overview. Two great apps solving real challenges seen in the Atlassian ecosystem. Publish allows you to create and edit confluence pages using Jira issue information. Have problems or change records you need to document. Have release documents to make, Element publish can allow you to do much more between the two applications.

Element Overview allows you to provide context and display more information across your Jira platform based on the dynamic or strict rules you set. Julien was kind enough to walk me through some of the direction for these apps and what is coming up. Check out both the marketplace listings as I am almost certain you could see improvements by using them.

Elements Overview

Elements Publish


Revyz have been working on back-up & restore apps for the Atlassian ecosystem. These apps allow for point in time restoration of issues, projects or entire applications. They have also been adding more and more into the Jira app which allows for config migration between systems, giving admins more control on how data and config is managed long term.

I, not too long ago found myself in dire need for their app when I accidently deleted data only to find out the backup I took was corrupted during the export process. Having to speak to colleagues around data loss that day certainly wont leave me anytime soon.

No matter how careful you can be, we all make mistakes. Make sure you have an insurance policy!

Data manager for Jira

Meta INF

Last year I saw Glass documentation for the first time. This year, our conversation was on the developments and improvements to the app. New features around better exporting and additional items also now being included within the documentation. If you are creating different standards on how projects are made up, this is a great tool to make sure all your documentation is up to date.

Glass documentation


Renware have been working hard on the instance auditor. An app that, without a shadow of doubt, will become an admins best friend. Lorenzo & I discussed at lengths the aims of the app and how it is shaping future config management within the applications. He spoke about the future releases coming up including, better filtering, status thresholds and charts coming to the app. All of this is to make looking after your system far easier rather then relying on knowing exactly where to go at what time.

The opening keynote this year was an interview with James Cameron. If you don’t know who he is, well then you clearly are uncultured in movies. The famous director has been responsible for works like Titanic, the Abyss and more recently the Avatar series. Cameron spoke on how his team overcame technological and financial challenges, sometimes with time and others by thinking outside the box. The inspiring talk captivated every member of the audience.

As we listened to Cameron’s career, you could clearly hear the passion in pushing the boundaries of what is known and accepted to new heights to tell better stories, create new technology or better yet, help save our planet and give everyone an opportunity.

You can capture his talk on demand HERE.

While day 1 is over, we have two more very exciting days to come.


Appfire’s Best of Show - Tech debt


I’m off to vegas! Team ‘23 here i come!!!