Day 2 Team ‘24

If you missed the other Team blogs, please see Day1 or Day3 here.

And we keep it going!

Day 2 this year is one of the busiest I have ever seen. The number of announcements are insane and certainly way to big to get into one blog. But here are just some of the highlights.

Make sure you check out the video recording of the keynote online as well as the recap vlogs below.


Of course we all knew that AI was going to be a hot topic this year, but boy did Atlassian show off some stuff.

The AI in automation has been improved and we can now use it on both Jira & Confluence. AI is now available on whiteboards to help us both find information to get started or to then have pages and Jira tickets created based on all the information present. AI is also now found on your databases.

Improvements have also been made in JSM around automated AI queues & alerts.


Rovo is a little bit of a change for Atlassian, but I welcome it with open arms. Rovo is made up of 3 parts.

The first is an improved search functionality where we can now integrate our Atlassian search to wherever our knowledge is. This means should you be using Slack to share notes on a project update, have a list of customers in a google doc, a project plan in Confluence & your actions in Jira, Rovo will be able to search everywhere.

The second is an intelligence search. Plugging in AI to that search so you can have a conversation and gain intelligent answers based on that data.

And finally is your additional AI Agents. These AI Agents are effectively another team mate. If you need help redrafting your communication plan or want some help removing feature flags in code, these agents can do this for us.


Confluence has had some major attention this year it feels like. We have seen some great things from the keynote. Atlassian showed off improvements with AI around whiteboards & databases. Smart links to external products can now be seen directly in the page tree as if that knowledge was in Confluence. All as an aim to reduce context switching and make knowledge more accessible. A major improved search to help now find information cross Atlassian products. Honestly I have been really excited about some of the great things coming to Confluence.


Okay so yeah again, AI is involved. But you will soon be able to use AI to read the ticket and suggest subtasks to do. But of course the biggest announcement would have been the uniting of Jira. Jira Work Management and Jira Software will become one. Software users wanted work project features, work management users wanted software features. This can also bring down costs, simplify instances & and I’m very happy to see this. I wonder whether there will ever be more unification in future Teams.

Okay so like I said, there is so much more to cover and I can’t write everything so check out my deep diver interview with Nigel Budd as well as my Day 2 recap vlog below


Day 3 & Wrap up for Team ‘24


Day 1 Team’24